卡特推土机D6R喷油器387-9434/3879434 喷油器生产厂家 卡特喷油器
卡特推土机D6R喷油器387-9434/3879434 喷油器生产厂家 卡特喷油器
主营:进口(),山推(SHANTUI),卡特CAT,沃尔沃 VOLVO
配件供应部孔芳:电话: 18863782816(微信同号)
Jining Shante Songzheng Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Specialized in construction machinery parts for 23 years.
Main products: , SHANTUI, CAT, VOLVO
Cummins, XUGong XCMC and other construction accessories
Kong Fang, Accessories Supply Department: Tel: 18863782816 (same wechat number)
Dear Friend,
Good day!
Jining Shantesongzheng Construction machinery Co.,Ltd,STSZ Parts has a deep cooperation with and Shantui as it locates in the production base where and Shantui machines are produced.
STSZ Parts supplies Genuine spare parts for excavators, bulldozers, wheel loaders of , Shantui, CAT, Hitachi and other brands.
STSZ Parts orders spare parts directly from factories like China and Shantui, so as to offer our customers with the best price.
STSZ Parts has been supplying spare parts for more than 23 years.
Dear Friend,
Best Regards,
Miss Kong
Jining Shantesongzheng Construction machinery Co.,Ltd
Tel : 86 0537-3365630 Fax : 86+18863782816
Wechat : 18863782816
111-4799 |
1R-1808 |
1R-0755 |
326-1643 |
093-7521 |
51-8670 |
179-9806 |
566-0593 |
566-0596 |
350-6278 |
518-5135 |
555-1815 |
566-0587 |
566-0590 |
524-9470 |
524-9471 |
524-9472 |
524-9473 |
351-5045 |
351-5046 |
租一台小型挖掘机多少钱 |
330kw发电机 |
48v小型发电机 |
小型发电机220v |
小型220v发电机 |
330发电机 |
320发电机 |
发电机160 |
一小型发电机 |
小型发电机3000瓦 |
发电机70 |
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35发电机 |
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洋马发电机图解 |
小型柴油发电机220v |
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135发电机 |
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